of note


of note 的定义

  1. Important, of distinction, famous, as in I have nothing of note to report, or The speaker was a man of note. This idiom uses note in the sense of “importance” or “fame.” [Late 1500s]

of note 近义词

of note

等同于 laudable

of note

等同于 newsworthy

of note

等同于 noted

of note

等同于 renowned

of note

等同于 eminent

of note

等同于 famous

of note

等同于 important

of note

等同于 important

更多of note例句

  1. An ace comedic turn that, in lesser hands, would come off as one-note.
  2. Note: UNICOR uses its inmates for everything from call center operators to human demolishers of old computers.
  3. The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.
  4. We happily hoist our egg nog in the air, embrace each other, and raise our out-of-tune voices in song.
  5. DISH delivers a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience to every room of your home, wirelessly.
  6. Accordingly, the question "How far does the note issue under the new system seem likely to prove an elastic one?"
  7. He used to walk through the park, and note with pleasure the care that his father bestowed on the gigantic property.
  8. Which latter circumstance he begged Mr. Perker to note, with a glowing countenance and many marks of indignation.
  9. Of Liszt the first part of this is not true, for if he strikes a wrong note it is simply because he chooses to be careless.
  10. And it is small consolation to me to note that most people's minds seem to be no better done than mine.